Thursday, January 24, 2008

In this image Pro surfer Ben Skinner is being used to promote a British Surfing magazine called Pitpilot because he says he's dyslexic and it's easy to read. The company that created the add was Pitpilot who is trying to get people to subscribe to their magazine by using Skinner as their promotional tool and they offer free Volcom merchandise to the first thirty subscribers. Pitpilot is using logos by having Skinner's comment on the add and pathos by enticing people to subscribe soon to possibly win free Volcom merchandise. Since pitpilot's main subscribers are people from Britain they are using one of the top Britsh surfers in the world to sell their magazine because people know who he is and have respect for his surfing ability making them more likely to purchase the magazine. Pitpilot had to make some kind of agreement with the surfing company Volcom to use their merchandise for the first thirty subscribers.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Shitty First Drafts

My writing process compared to Anne Lamont's is pretty similar in alot of ways. I usually just sit down and think about the topic I'm writing about and put down all my thoughts on paper no matter what they might be. Anne Lamont says she just writes whatever no matter what it is and it could be up to a couple pages long of sloppy, unorganized, chicken scratch. She says on her second attempt at the paper she takes colored pens and and takes out whatever she thinks is unnecessary, finds a solid ending and starting point, and then writes a second draft. On my second draft I usually go in and cross out or add parts to the draft that improve the organization and structure of the paper. On the third revision she would go start the whole process over again wheres I just try to clean up my paper and add any new ideas or thoughts to improve the quality of the information in the paper. Overall I feel that my style of writing isn't that much different from lamonts style which is good to know that my style is similar to such an experienced writer. yet it's kinda cool to me to know that i'm also different in some ways because every writer has their own style of going about writing and revising their drafts. It was cool to me to hear that most writers struggle in the same ways that i do when writing and it isnt as east as people make it out to be.